课程代码:80661763课程名称: 中国民事诉讼与法律冲突法课序号: 0
学分: 3 总学时:48 课程类别: 选修课
开课时间: 2023 -2024秋 开课单位: 法学院 任课教师: 陈卫佐
课程说明:The course begins with a survey of the Chinese procedural law and an overview of Chinese civil procedure and then focuses on essential aspects of court jurisdiction and trial procedure in civil matters. In view of the traditional importance of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in China, mediation (conciliation) and arbitration are also discussed with corresponding comparisons to civil procedure. The course also discusses issues relating to the conflict of laws, i.e. international jurisdiction under Chinese international civil procedure law, the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments as well as Chinese choice of law rules. Focus is directed toward the PRC Law on the Application of Laws to Civil Relationships Involving a Foreign Element of 28 October 2010, which entered into force on 1 April 2011.

中国 北京 海淀区 清华大学图书馆 100084 

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